RIDE STATUS HOTLINE - 301.660.3150
Check out the New Videos & Events Page - Where you can see full length videos created by our membership - “Making Memories” - Come on out for the rides & activities!

Upcoming events
Check the calendar for all of the details!
Chapter Gathering
Tuesday March 4th
6:30 pm - Social Hour w/ Snacks!Down the street from Old Glory at the Tabernacle Church of Laurel
11601 S Laurel Dr , Laurel, MD 20708
1000 Baltimore Metro
March 15th
This is Baltimore Metro HOG Chapter’s Annual primary event. We will be taking a direct route to participate in our fellow chapter’s event. There will be a plaque for the HOG Chapter with the most participation at the end of the year
The MoCo Tour Ride
March 22nd
We will ride through Montgomery County Urban and Farm land. Passing by Sugarloaf Mtn.
The route is available on MRA attached to my profile: “EddieB”
We are on a mission to Gambrills
March 29th
We’re taking our time to enjoy what riding time we can get in…Right? We’ll be on two and four-lane roads, and even a bit of freeway to help us enjoy our ride. We can all use some more time in the saddle since the short Winter days are here. Let’s get our ride on! So come on out and enjoy the ride
The Old Glory Chapter of the Harley-Davidson Owners Group welcomes anyone who is currently a member of the Harley-Davidson Owners Group international organization. Whether you are new to motorcycling or an experienced rider.
Completed Membership enrollment form can be dropped off at the OGHD Motor clothes desk or mailed to:
Old Glory H.O.G. Chapter
11800 Laurel Bowie Road
Laurel, MD 20708
If mailing, please enclose a check.
Membership dues are $20.00 a year, all memberships expire the first of each year.
Check out our RIDE GUIDE
Please contact us with any questions you may have.
Old Glory Harley Davidson Dealership Upcoming Events
911 Emergency Maintenance Workshop
March 8th
In-Store Poker Run
March 15th
Harleys After Dark
March 31st