RIDE STATUS HOTLINE - 301.660.3150

When riding your motorcycle be sure to ride safely, respectfully and within the limits of the law and your abilities.
Always wear a helmet, proper eyewear and protective clothing and insist your passenger does too.
Never ride while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Know your motorcycle and read and understand your owner’s manual from cover to cover.
Below is a compilation of articles written by Ernie Staples when he was our safety officer.
Enjoy reading about many topics related to riding safely by a very seasoned rider.
Riding with Trucks
Handling the Bike with a Passenger
Riding in the Wind
Relax and Ride Safely
Reading the Road
Group Riding
Lane Positioning
Preparing for Spring Riding
The Hurt Report
Motorcycle Safety Studies
Riding in the Winter
Being Seen for Safety
Motorcycles and Potholes
Safe Rider Overview
Seeing for Safety
Safety for Seasoned Riders
Safe Braking
Riding While Impaired
Rear-End Collisions
Outfitting Bikes for Safety
Defensive Riding
Road Hazards
Safety at Intersections
Safe Speeds