RIDE STATUS HOTLINE - 301.660.3150

LOH helps coordinate events and activities that support the Chapter and Dealership. We encourage all members to come out and participate; especially our female members by volunteering for our charity events, planning activities to support the Dealership and organize events for the Chapter and more. The LOH events are open to all chapter members: adults and children; male and female; riders and non-riders.
To give you a brief history, Ladies of Harley®, or LOH, was established by Harley Owners Group to encourage women members to become more involved in chapter activities. LOH is not a separate group from H.O.G.®, but rather an additional benefit for women members. Although LOH is free of charge, this option is not automatic. You can specify LOH when you join H.O.G.® as a full or associate member – the best part is that you do not have to be a rider! Already a H.O.G.®, member? You can update your profile at any time at You will receive a Ladies of Harley® patch and pin, as well as have the LOH designation on your National H.O.G.® member card. You can also participate in special contests just for LOH H.O.G.® members.
Want to get involved? LOH is the perfect way to get active and have fun within the Chapter! Volunteering is a “no experience necessary” activity. We’ll make sure you get all the help and instruction you need. Assistance is always needed with helping to get set up for Chapter meetings, greeting new members, and supporting upcoming LOH events through set-up, prep and more. Please don’t hesitate to volunteer because you’re afraid you’ll be stuck. You can help once, or as much as you want. Don’t forget you can earn Loyalty point when you volunteer! Come and be a part of the fun!